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In this segment I will resume tips on how to find a healthy lifestyle.
Do you shower every day early in the morning? Do you take a shower at least 2 hours before sunrise. What is the rationale? Early morning bath or shower dawn is very good for the health of your body. This is evident when we bathe our bodies dawn will become more fresh and healthy. This includes the mind, the brain, the physical body and one of the ways to prevent infectious diseases develop into our bodies. These morning bath can improve your mind and your brain to not confounded in the early morning. Use the recommended way in the previous segment.

subuh mandi pagi mandi-pagi

In another article, there are 7 advantages dawn bath.

1. Skin soft and smooth
2. Improves blood circulation
3. improve fertility
4. Reduce the risk of hypertension
5. Reduce stress and calm
6. Increase of white blood cells
7. Make more fresh and wavy hair.

After a shower and put on clothes, make sure you eat breakfast every morning. Tip is set to enhance the sharpness of mind and brain, thought not easily forget, the body becomes more and more active and strengthen the spirit of the early morning when you want to start work or daily activities.

Next tips, start your meals with foods that are not touched by the fire, such as fruits (dates, apples, oranges, bananas, papayas, strawberries, etc.) for easy digestion in the body indirectly remove all the air and toxic in the gut of the body. Fruit chew until scrambled to reduce empty spaces inside the body. This is because in the intestines and stomach we have no tools to be chewed like teeth that can cause abdominal pain. After eating the fruit, then eat your favourite meals. Tip aims stomach does not feel surprised when receiving food. Drink plenty of warm water to flow properly. Afterwards, you consistently can start work as usual. You will feel the difference without breakfast and breakfast.


On holidays or weekends, do not sleep after waking up because it can make you sluggish thinking. What you can do is to start exercising in the morning at least walked home surrounded you sweat out so easily.

Many breathe fresh air outside the house during exercise or any activity through the nose and out through your mouth. Tip is intended to prevent and treat wheezing and breathlessness disease. It also helps the blood flow.

bernafas hembus

For people who are always breath, wheezing and shortness of breath, you inhale air through your nose, hold your breath, walking from one location to another and you stop when you are not able to withstand the air in your nose out through the mouth next. Try measuring your mileage at the time. Repeat this rule and measure your distance again. Make sure you repeat 10 times a day and you will see the difference from shortness of breath to breath and no longer gasping again. These tips can also be suitable in practice for people who have asthma.


Health is one of the factors that should be observed by every person in this world. It’s all men to be healthy and energetic throughout the day. In this article, I will donate a few tips that can make us healthy always.

Some of these tips can be put into practice is when wake up. What should we do?

DeleteRedWhen wake up, do not wake resilient because it can cause back pain. We need to wake up and sat for a moment and thank God for giving us life again. At that time, the blood will start to flow throughout the body starting from the feet up to the brain.

DeleteRedNext, before going bathing, drinking plain boiled water or boiled water mixed with honey and vinegar, rinsing with water and swallow it. This is because, stale saliva in our mouths has a mucus that can cure diseases especially toxic in the body.

DeleteRedAfter that, when trying to enter the bathroom, step with your left foot because it is the place where Satan and Jinn live, seeking refuge from God preserved from misfortune and mishaps such as falling, slipping on the floor and so on.

DeleteRedKeep your gloves or your head with a cloth and plastic heads of Satan and Jinn may not pee on our heads during large and small bowel. This is because if it is not protected, you may feel dizzy or migraine.

DeleteRedWhile small and large bowel, throat clearing may become familiar with all the filth out completely. This rule is intended to prevent yourself from disease constipation and hemorrhoids. Make sure you are damning to the left so simple stool out.

DeleteRedBefore bathing, brush your teeth as usual.

DeleteRedWhen we want to shower, make sure you start washing the feet and gently rinsing the body from the bottom to the top and finally the head. Tip is intended to remove all the heat so that the body becomes fresh and healthy.

DeleteRedWhen bathing, be sure to convey the water in the nose if possible until painful. The aim is to prevent and cure diseases as sinusitis and remove all the dirt in it.

DeleteRedWhen finished bathing, we went out to the bathroom with right foot.

Hopefully these tips can benefit all of us. See you on the other hints at the next solution. Best of luck.


In medicine, a lot of methods that can be used to treat disease. Various drugs are used to cure illnesses. Did you hear our daily food can be a medicine and at the same time be a cure to us.

Among them is a waste of toxic in the body. In practice, many methods we can do to remove the toxins in the body. Among them are: –

1) In the morning, before going to shower and brush your teeth, you can drink plain boiled water, gargle and swallow the water so that the stomach can empty the elimination of wind and fill empty spaces inside the body.


2) In the morning also besides plain boiled water, you can try by mixing with honey (2 tablespoons) and fruit vinegar (1 tablespoon) with warm water and use the same way.

honey  plus2apple-cider-vinegar-health-benefits3 plus2 warm water

Make sure you use a plastic spoon to take honey because honey will lose its essence if taken with a metal spoon.


The reason why I suggest this tips because in our stale saliva have a cure that can prevent the disease. I hope you can try these two tips. See you in another session.


Do you often experience sneezing frequently. Sneezing is common in life. However sneezing extreme discomfort on ourselves especially communicate with the public. There are times when sneezing can also cause sinusitis early stages and can cause an unpleasant bad breath.
To avoid this, there is an easy and practical way to do this daily especially the morning. All you have to do, when you want to make sure that you enter the water bath in the nose by means of stinging and inhale to remove the water.


Another method, you can use honey (3 drops) mixed with fruit vinegar (3 drops) and a glass of water do the same technique as mention above.

honey plus2 apple-cider-vinegar-health-benefits3 plus2 warm water

Try to do it a few times after you brush your teeth. This can avoid the nose always stuffy and smells the mouth and nose also were gone.
It is also suitable for anyone who feels runny nose. Hope you can try it. See you in another health session.


Are you always dizzy or headaches. More readily called migraine. Some of us face this disease, but so what a way to cure and prevent it.

By hints that I can and apply, I take coarse salt (1 kg) , green beans (500 g)  and black pepper (200 g).

bowl-of-coarse-salt plus2 Ingredient-621-Mung-Beans--Mature-Seeds--Raw-32572 plus2  4911663-whole-black-pepper-in-white-porcelane-bowl

What can be done with this material. Have eaten or made ​​drinks. Absolutely not at all. All you have to do is take the coarse salt, green beans and black pepper all mixed earlier. After that, find a place to post the material and we step on it. It’s good to do every once in the morning and evening for 15 to 20 minutes a day. It is best done before going to work and after work back if got opportunity. Or do not have time, we can do in the week or time. After stepping on the materials, but do not throw the store and over again until you find the old.

If there is free time during the weekend, back to the village and so on, try to go to the beach or a picnic, walk without slippers / shoes with other meaning barefoot.This is because the land, we step on the sand which can give positive charges on our bodies that can refresh our body. Besides, it gets rid of any stress or pressure when we are tired of working. It would be better if there are fields, trying street barefoot but make sure it is safe to stomp.

I hope these tips are useful for our day-to-day practice. Intentions of God to heal diseases. Just got here, see you in another description.


Penyakit darah tinggi adalah salah satu penyakit yang paling biasa di kalangan kita. Penyakit darah tinggi adalah penyakit di mana darah adalah lebih tinggi daripada tahap biasa secara kronik. Tekanan darah tinggi tidak mengira masa dan umur untuk ia berlaku. Sebagai manusia kita mesti menjaga dan makan makanan yang seimbang supaya ia boleh dielakkan. Antara mereka adalah mengurangkan berat badan, kerap bersenam, mengurangkan pengambilan garam, tidak / mengurangkan merokok, mengurangkan tekanan, makan kurang kafein dan alkohol. Walau bagaimanapun, yang tidak kurang juga mencari perubatan moden dan tradisional untuk mengubati tekanan darah tinggi. Adakah anda pernah cuba makanan boleh menjadi ubat tanpa mengambil dadah, seperti buah-buahan, madu, cuka dan sebagainya. Dalam amalan, kita boleh menggunakan elemen-elemen ini sebagai pencegahan awal. Ia juga boleh diamalkan jika anda penyakit sah. Apa yang anda cadangkan kita mengambil lebah madu (2 sudu besar), cuka epal (1 sudu teh) dan belimbing buluh (2-3 biji). Kami Perah untuk mendapatkan jus belimbing buluh , mengambil madu, cuka epal dan air suam dicampur sehingga sebati. Penggunaan cara ialah dua kali sehari sebelum makan dan sebelum tidur. Jika anda sudah mempunyai tekanan darah tinggi dan sangat terdorong untuk makan daging kambing jantan boleh meningkatkan tekanan darah, anda digalakkan untuk makan dengan tomato kerana tomato adalah bahan-bahan yang boleh meneutralkan tekanan darah normal. Jika anda ingin makan juga, mengapa tidak mencuba memakan daging kambing betina yang tidak menjejaskan tekanan darah. Walau bagaimanapun, kesihatan perlu dikekalkan secara berkala supaya ia tidak melarat ke tahap kritikal. Menjadi manusia adalah keputusan kita menjaga kesihatan kita sendiri. Pada akhirnya, selamat mencuba petua ini.


Dalam perubatan, banyak kaedah yang boleh gunakan untuk mengubat penyakit. Pelbagai ubat-ubatan digunakan untuk menyembuh penyakit. Adakah anda mendengar makanan harian kita boleh menjadi ubat dan pada masa yang sama menjadi ubat kepada diri kita.

Antaranya adalah membuang toksik dalam badan. Dalam amalan harian, banyak kaedah boleh kita lakukan untuk membuang toksik dalam badan. Antaranya adalah :-

1) Pada waktu pagi, sebelum pergi mandi dan gosok gigi, anda boleh minum air masak kosong, berkomor-komor dan menelan air tersebut supaya perut yang kosong dapat menyahkan angin dan mengisi ruang-ruang kosong dalam badan.

2) Pada waktu pagi juga selain air masak kosong, anda boleh cuba dengan membancuh dengan madu (2 sudu) dan cuka buah (1 sudu) dengan air suam dan guna cara yang sama. Pastikan anda guna sudu plastik untuk ambil madu kerana madu akan hilang zatnya jika diambil dengan sudu besi.

Sebelum minum, anda mulakan dengan Bismillah dan disusuli dengan doa ini; “Ya Allah, jadikanlah minuman dan makanan ini sebagai ubat kepada penyakit ini “.

Saya harap anda boleh mencuba 2 petua ini.

Harap maklum.


Adakah anda selalu pening atau sakit kepala. Lebih mudah lagi disebut migrain. Ada di kalangan kita menghadapi penyakit ini namun begitu bagaimana cara untuk mengubati dan mencegahnya.Mengikut petua yang saya dapat dan amalkan, saya mengambil garam kasar (1 kg), kacang hijau ( 500 g) dan lada hitam (200 g). Apa yang boleh dibuat dengan bahan-bahan ini. Adakah dimakan atau dibuat minuman. Semestinya tidak sama sekali. Apa yang anda perlu lakukan adalah ambil garam kasar, kacang hijau dan lada hitam tadi digaul kesemuanya. Selepas itu cari tempat untuk letak bahan tersebut dan kita pijak-pijakkannya. Ia sesuai dilakukan setiap pagi sekali dan petang sekali selama 15 – 20 minit sehari. Ia sesuai dilakukan sebelum pergi kerja dan selepas balik kerja jika berkesempatan. Atau tidak sempat, kita boleh lakukan pada waktu minggu atau masa lapang. Selepas pijak bahan-bahan tersebut, jangan buang tapi simpan dan ulang lagi sehingga anda dapati sudah lama.

Sekiranya ada masa lapang ketika hujung minggu, balik kampung dan sebagainya, cuba pergi ke pantai atau tempat berkelah, berjalan tanpa selipar/kasut dengan makna lain berkaki ayam. Ini adalah kerana tanah, pasir yang kita pijak itu dapat memberi caj-caj positif kepada badan kita yang dapat menyegarkan tubuh badan kita. Disamping itu jua ia dapat menghilangkan stress atau tekanan ketika kita penat bekerja. Adalah lebih baik lagi jika ada bendang, cuba jalan berkaki ayam tapi pastikan ia selamat untuk dipijak.

Saya harap petua ini berguna untuk amalan kita sehari-hari. Niat kerana Allah untuk sembuh penyakit. Sampai di sini sahaja, jumpa lagi dalam penerangan yang lain pula.
